Wednesday, June 07, 2006

June 7, 2006 Letter to Roland Morgan

June 7, 2006

Roland Morgan

Re: May 26, 2006 Letter

Dear Mr. Morgan:

You just don’t get it and your May 26th attempt at communicating with the residents of Point Aquarius proves you don’t even understand the important issues dividing our community.

Much time could be spent on expounding about the validity of your election using a board member who is not even eligible to serve on the board. He was not a property owner when he was appointed and is still not a property owner as required in our by-laws. I guess this demonstrates your belief in selective enforcement of our by-laws. The legal questions about his eligibility will be decided by Judge K Michael Mayes soon. I always believed we are not free to pick which laws to obey. How do you select which ones apply to you? But, let’s focus on some of your other comments instead.

“I want to raise the level and frequency of communication between the POA board and the members of the association,” is what you said. Let me help you select a few topics that desperately need your succinct communication skills:

1. Please explain to all residents exactly what happened in 2003 and 2004 that resulted in the embezzlement of $70,000 of our money. The board has never clarified any part of the event and Al Morin who supposedly handled the investigation did not have the nerve to attend a meeting I requested to review all details about the embezzlement. Residents like me have tried to dig into the matter but have been blocked by the inner circle from getting all the facts. I followed all the rules and requested everything in writing, but I have been ignored. I have offered to pay reasonable fees for the data needed. Tell us all, Mr. Morgan, why you are doing this? What have you got to hide? Give us all the details, not just a selected few.

2. Kindly tell all residents why you and your inner circle friends passed a resolution about constructing a new clubhouse but you failed to include even token input from residents whose money is actually paying for the construction of the building. You obviously want to build what you want, not necessarily what the community needs. Sadly, you have ignored the most important fact of all. IT IS NOT YOUR MONEY. Maybe the community would rather lower the assessments instead of building a new clubhouse. You have blocked a vote on it. Tell us all why. Give everyone the specific reasons you don’t want the residents to speak out. Come on, Mr. Morgan, specifics please.

3. Inform everyone why the board has blocked property owners from auditing our books. What are you afraid of? What are you hiding? Al Morin says a resident in good standing has a right to examine our books, but yet the inner circle keeps blocking those efforts at every turn. Don’t give us that line about annual audits either. Enron, WorldCom, Tyco and others had auditors too.

4. Explain to all residents in detail why you and your buddies on the board have changed the by-laws to take away all rights from residents except voting in the annual election. The 100 + families who signed a petition about the assessment increase want to know what happened to their rights. How could this happen when you state, “I want to work to bring this community together?” The only thing you have accomplished by stealing our rights is to drive a stake in the heart of “trust” of the board.

In my opinion your May 26th letter is a joke like all other rhetoric coming from the dysfunctional inner circle on the board. The residents are past the stage of listening to hot air escaping. They want proof that you are actually working for the betterment of Point Aquarius. I think the best way for you to help the community is to resign immediately from the board and get out of the way. Take all your buddies with you.

A new train is pulling in the station full of people who want to restore our rights, allow access to our books, give us a voice in how OUR money is spent and tell us the truth without cover-ups. Why are you against the democratic process?

Your power is dwindling quickly Mr. Morgan. In the last election not including the disputed section one results, your people only got 14 votes out of 75…a mandate against the style of leadership of the inner circle. Why not just bow out of the POA now and go try to take over the Garden Club or some other group.

This document is posted to the blog at:

If you choose to answer all of my questions, I will post your response unedited. Even if you just want to call me names, I will post that too as long as it meets decency standards. Anything you do write will always be subject to rebuttal by me or anyone else that agrees or disagrees with you. Come on Mr. Morgan let us all hear the answers to these questions. There are plenty more to follow, but I am trying to keep this as short as possible.

As I have said many times, a sound Democratic society always has room for more than one opinion. Speak up Mr. Morgan.

Ralph Splawski


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have yet to ever see someone be so truthfull and at the same time be SO RIGHT .........


Wednesday, June 07, 2006 7:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, there is also a rumor in the community that Ralf is gay??

I was at the pool and someone told me that he was seen coming out of a homosexual establishment, ????

I thought he was married?

Wednesday, June 07, 2006 7:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey anonymous,

I heard that Ralf and Nolan had something going???? Things are starting to come together, Nolan and Ralf, a gay couple..........

they should start a television show!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006 8:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are all these people named

Jim Porter

Thursday, June 08, 2006 6:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Picture this. You live in Houston and you are yearning to get out of the big city. You think Lake Conroe would be just the place to move so you start looking at various subdivisions. Someone says that Point Aquarius is a great place to live with security, a nice clubhouse, friendly people, a marina, etc. So you investigate. You discover that a resident has started a blog (this one) so you go into it and WHOAAAAAA! What is all this? Sounds like there is a lot of bickering going on there. Don't think I want to move there. Let's look someplace else.

I feel sorry for the residents that presently have their homes on the market here in P.A. I hope by the time I have to sell, there will be some common sense prevailing. I might add that I have the greatest neighbors in the world but then none of them are involved with the issues at hand. Come on. Can't we get along?

Friday, June 09, 2006 4:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me start off by saying that I have lived in Point Aquarius for over 18 years. And thru the years there have been many changes. Some good, many not so good. Take security- they use to patrol the neighborhood on a regular basis- you could almost set your watch by them. I never worried about my property or children because I knew my dues were going for something worthwhile. You could also go swimming at the pool whenever you felt like it. If you decided at 2:00am you wanted a swim- then you would go. No problem getting in, no locked gates, and you could even visit with other residents because they were there also. The club house was easy to access- in fact you could just go hang out if you wanted. They actually had activities there. Family functions, baseball parties, etc.- it was so nice. Now- security is a joke, the pool is always locked and the club house is gone. And why should we have to pay for cards to get into our home. We pay enough for assessment fees they should furnish every driver in the home with cards. Enough on that, you get the point, I could go on forever. Now on the board- I have seen many turnovers- no one is perfect- you always have good members mixed with bad ones- some for the community, some for themselves. Thats the way it will always be. And this lawsuit-that was a joke. Maybe the bylaws need reviewed and renewed. First off- why should there be a husband AND wife on the same board, that sounds fishy to me. Haven't we been ripped off enough. I shouldn't say that- I don't even know the Buckners. I know their grandson and he's a great person. I also know the Ashtons- and believe me- you want Joey on your side. He can get things done that would seem impossible. Oh yeah- what about the law that Texas is a community propery state- husband, wife it doesn't matter- if one owns it they both own it. Try getting a divorce or owing a bill- they come for both- not just the one whose name is listed. I agree that the residents should have more say, but many like me just sit back, pay our fees and let others take over. We need fresh faces, you can't blame people like Roland or Joey for things that happened in the past. They are new around here and may be good for us. You will never know till they have a chance. Yes, I know Roland also- Everyone needs to realize we are not Bentwater- we are hard working, regular Joe Blows that want to come home from work and have a decent place we can call home. Theres so much more I can say but will go for now because I'm starting to ramble. Just always remember- it will never be perfect, there will always be a bad apple in the group, and we all have to live together.

Saturday, June 10, 2006 2:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a little note , Buckner sued his own son ............., If a man , (if you can call him that), Sues his own son, .......... that should tell you something, this law suit is nothing more than a power trip for him and they could care less what the "people" want or say. Don't believe me , then call him 936-856-9914

Go check the court house records.

Believe me you don't want to know the truth about my family!!!!!

I am ashamed that this guy is part of my family!

Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:19:00 PM  

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