Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I challenge Al Morin to a Debate

Mr. Morin:

After you insulted me by calling me a coward on June 10th in front of my house guest, I have thought about what would be a fair way to air our differing views about how to govern our community. You obviously think I should attend your monthly circus meetings and I just don’t see any value in doing so. Your rules of behavior are not conducive to an open discussion of any issue. Screaming and hollering at me during a meeting where you won’t let me talk, is not anyone’s idea of fair play. As you should know if you read any of my written articles about Point Aquarius, I always favor fairness.

I challenge you to a debate of community issues.

The playing field can be made level by holding this event at a place where there is a microphone so everyone in attendance can hear what is said. It can be set up similar to a political debate. Each of us will have 2 or 3 minutes to answer the question, followed by a rebuttal of 1 minute. No cackling from your wife will be allowed as occurred last Saturday. No hissing or booing from the Garden Club either. Since I don’t have any rude followers, there will be no disruption from my side. We can just let the audience listen to the answers to the questions asked without a sideshow. Seems fair to me!

By way of a copy of this email, I have invited Nancy Flake of the Conroe Courier to act as mediator. She has written fair and unbiased articles about the recent court actions. We can each submit at list of questions to her, but they must be related to the community and be of interest to the residents. If you have a checkered past, I am not interested in knowing about any of that. She can select the questions and ask some of her own too. Once finished, we can entertain questions from the audience.

According to the Point Aquarius web site you have been POA President, Vice President and now Vice President again. This should make you the most knowledgeable person in our community concerning POA matters. Whether this constant repetition as an officer is good for the community is likely to be a question on the list. To me, it seems best to rotate officers annually, so one person’s stagnant ideas don’t get stuck in place too long. I can hardly wait to hear your answer to this question.

My proposal is that we split any cost evenly. That means you pay half and I pay half. It shouldn’t be much and it may well turn out to be totally free. If the rules are followed, this will be a fair event. The residents will get some answers to questions that are long overdue, provided you choose to provide all the facts and not cover anything up. I encourage you to be truthful. You have my pledge that I will be.

An even better but probably not doable method to clear the air would be to testify under oath in front of Judge K Michael Mayes. I am certainly willing, but Judge Mayes likely has more pressing matters to work on than intervention in POA governance. I will try to reach him once you agree to testify. Please respond yes or no by Friday June 18, 2006.

This message will be posted to inform all residents. The blog is as follows in case you haven’t looked at it:


Those interested are encouraged to post prospective questions in the comments section. The residents don’t want to see the libelous junk being posted. Let’s try to be professional about this.

Ralph Splawski

Monday, June 12, 2006

This is Alarming...Read This!

It seems like the residents of Point Aquarius hear of some new atrocity by the inner circle of the board every day. This one is over the top!

I enjoyed reading your last blog calling you a coward. I noticed that when I stopped to talk to you Saturday the Morons were out in the yard. I thought the dagger looks were for me since I have become a thorn in the side of the inner circle for months. Al has the nerve to call you a coward for hiding behind your computer. A year ago I ran for Section 3 director and Mr. Morin had the nerve to leave a threatening message on my recorder, part of which he told me he would do everything in his power to keep me off the board because he didn't want people like me and Marvin on the board. I played this recording for all the board members and most not all said that that was Al's opinion. I later found out that prior to the election the inner group and some of the Garden Club members were spreading false information about me. I was a board member until I couldn't take Al's and the inner circle lies. I was the Chairperson for the Deed Restriction Committee and Al told me to spend most of my time looking for violations in Section One because that's were the "RIFF-RAFF" live and he wanted them out of the subdivision. The monthly meetings are a joke, before we could talk at the beginning of the meeting but not now. I have ask for alot of different information that residents are allowed to see and received the same treatment - no information available. I have also brought to the boards attention that Joan O'Hara was and still is in violation of the deed restrictions and bylaws having a business ran out of residence. This would have made her ineligible to run for the board and I then ask that she be removed for cause. I provided them with County DBA records, information from the post office that showed the business received mail at her address and informed them the the emergency call number for the subdivisions security system is listed her home number.
The response I got was the they knew this but I need to provide them with more information. Another words Don't Bother to come back. Once again thanks for the great website. You have my permission to post all or part of this email including my name on the blog page. Residence need to stand-up be recognized and speak their concerns.

Thanks Again,
Bob Hordesky
Section Three